Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Xoçai® & High Blood Pressure (plus weightloss)

According to CBC news, the health benefits of dark chocolate stem from the flavonoid content found in the cocoa bean. As flavonoids are antioxidants they can offer potential health benefits. The cacao bean is also rich in magnesium, an energy mineral and vital electrolyte that keeps our heart beating well into old age.  Regular intake of cocoa-containing foods is linked to lower cardiovascular mortality, according to the Journal of American Medical Association. 

Xoçai® chocolate has anti-inflammatory effects and thus assists in preventing inflammation. Most problems related to the cardiovascular and circulatory systems are linked to inflammation. You can avert such problems today by eating Xoçai Healthy Chocolate.

These are testimonies from real people using Xoçai®.  Results are not typical but what has happened to them is happening to others. The proof of Xoçai® must be from your own testimony. Seeing is believing. Learn more on the facts on healthy chocolate.   

Want to know more about Xoçai Healthy Chocolate ? For more information contact: Leisa at (425)210-1138 : 

References used:

Monday, December 24, 2012

Autism (Asperger syndrome) & Xoçai®

Asperger syndrome is often considered a high functioning form of autism. It can lead to difficulty interacting socially, repeat behaviors, and clumsiness.

Xoçai® chocolate has anti-inflammatory effects and thus assists in preventing inflammation. Most problems related to the cardiovascular and circulatory systems are linked to inflammation. You can avert such problems today by eating Xoçai Healthy Chocolate.

These are testimonies from real people using Xoçai®.  Results are not typical but what has happened to them is happening to others. The proof of Xoçai® must be from your own testimony. Seeing is believing. Learn more on the facts on healthy chocolate.   

How Xoçai® healthy chocolate is changing lives


Xoçai® chocolate has anti-inflammatory effects and thus assists in preventing inflammation. Most problems related to the cardiovascular and circulatory systems are linked to inflammation. You can avert such problems today by eating Xoçai Healthy Chocolate.

These are testimonies from real people using Xoçai®.  Results are not typical but what has happened to them is happening to others. The proof of Xoçai® must be from your own testimony. Seeing is believing. Learn more on the facts on healthy chocolate.   

Want to know more about Xoçai Healthy Chocolate ? For more information contact: Leisa at (425)210-1138 : 

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information herein is NOT intended to be taken as medical advice. No therapeutic or medical claims are either implied or made. DO NOT ALTER ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT, OR THE USE OF MEDICATIONS WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF YOUR MEDICAL CARE PROVIDER. FDA regulations prohibit the use of therapeutic or medical claims in conjunction with the sale of any product not approved by the FDA.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Athletic Performance & Xoçai®

Eating dark chocolate improves athletic performance just as much as exercise, a study has revealed. And when small doses were eaten in combination with regular exercise, performance was boosted by 50 per cent. Dark chocolate contains the plant compound epicatechin, which appears to stimulate muscle growth in a similar way to vigorous activity such as jogging.

Even Sports professionals recommend Xoçai®.

Xoçai® chocolate has anti-inflammatory effects and thus assists in preventing inflammation. Most problems related to the cardiovascular and circulatory systems are linked to inflammation. You can avert such problems today by eating Xoçai Healthy Chocolate.

These are testimonies from real people using Xoçai®.  Results are not typical but what has happened to them is happening to others. The proof of Xoçai® must be from your own testimony. Seeing is believing. Learn more on the facts on healthy chocolate.   

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Toe Fungus & Xoçai®

Nail fungus infections are more common in men than women and in the elderly than the young. Some factors that raise one's risk of nail fungal infection include the following:
  • Diminished blood circulation
  • Previous injury or infection to the skin or nail
  • Diabetes, circulation problems, a weakened immune system
  • Tight footwear with crowding of toes
  • Exercise that causes repeated minor trauma to the hyponychium (where the finger tip attaches to the nail)

Xoçai® chocolate has anti-inflammatory effects and thus assists in preventing inflammation. Most problems related to the cardiovascular and circulatory systems are linked to inflammation. You can avert such problems today by eating Xoçai Healthy Chocolate.

These are testimonies from real people using Xoçai®.  Results are not typical but what has happened to them is happening to others. The proof of Xoçai® must be from your own testimony. Seeing is believing. Learn more on the facts on healthy chocolate.   

Friday, December 21, 2012

Dystonia & Xoçai®

Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder, in which sustained muscle contractions cause twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal postures. The disorder may be hereditary or caused by other factors such as birth-related or other physical traumainfection, poisoning (e.g., lead poisoning) or reaction to pharmaceutical drugs, particularly neuroleptics. Treatment is difficult and has been limited to minimizing the symptoms of the disorder, since there is no cure available.

Xoçai® chocolate has anti-inflammatory effects and thus assists in preventing inflammation. Most problems related to the cardiovascular and circulatory systems are linked to inflammation. You can avert such problems today by eating Xoçai Healthy Chocolate.

These are testimonies from real people using Xoçai®.  Results are not typical but what has happened to them is happening to others. The proof of Xoçai® must be from your own testimony. Seeing is believing. Learn more on the facts on healthy chocolate.   

Reference used :

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fibromyalgia & Xoçai®

Fibromyalgia is a chronic inflammatory condition consisting of muscular and joint pain and fatigue. Three to five percent of the population suffers with this condition with over 80% being women. This is one of the fastest growing disabling conditions in the US.
Xoçai® chocolate has anti-inflammatory effects and thus assists in preventing inflammation. Most problems related to the cardiovascular and circulatory systems are linked to inflammation. You can avert such problems today by eating Xoçai Healthy Chocolate.

These are testimonies from real people using Xoçai®.  Results are not typical but what has happened to them is happening to others. The proof of Xoçai® must be from your own testimony. Seeing is believing. Learn more on the facts on healthy chocolate.