Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Migraines & Xoçai®

migraine is a severe, painful headache that is often preceded or accompanied by sensory warning signs such as flashes of light, blind spots, tingling in the arms and legs, nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to light and sound. The excruciating pain that migraines bring can last for hours or even days. 

Migraine headaches result from a combination of blood vessel enlargement and the release of chemicals from nerve fibers that coil around these blood vessels. During the headache, an artery enlarges that is located on the outside of the skull just under the skin of the temple (temporal artery). This causes a release of chemicals that cause inflammation, pain, and further enlargement of the artery. 

Xoçai® chocolate has anti-inflammatory effects and thus assists in preventing inflammation. Most problems related to the cardiovascular and circulatory systems are linked to inflammation. You can avert such problems today by eating Xoçai Healthy Chocolate™.

These are testimonies from real people using Xoçai®. Results are not typical but what has happened to them is happening to others. The proof of Xoçai® must be from your own testimony. Seeing is believing. Learn more on the facts on healthy chocolate.

Want to know more about Xoçai Healthy Chocolate™ ? For more information contact: 
Leisa at (425)210-1138 or by email

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information herein is NOT intended to be taken as medical advice. No therapeutic or medical claims are either implied or made. DO NOT ALTER ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT, OR THE USE OF MEDICATIONS WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF YOUR MEDICAL CARE PROVIDER. FDA regulations prohibit the use of therapeutic or medical claims in conjunction with the sale of any product not approved by the FDA.

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